Rajiv Gandhi Entrepreneurship Program:Financial Support for Budding Entrepreneurs

Bengaluru:The Government of Karnataka, through its IT and Biotechnology department (ITBTGoK),has launched the Rajiv Gandhi Entrepreneurship Program (RGEP) to support new entrepreneurs in the state. This program aims to help aspiring entrepreneurs during the crucial early stages of their projects.

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Under RGEP, 30 selected innovators will receive a monthly stipend of Rs. 25,000 for 12 months. This financial support will help them manage the uncertainties of starting a new venture. The goal is to enable these entrepreneurs to develop prototypes, minimum viable products (MVPs),or proofs of concept with strong business potential.

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Priyank Kharge, the Minister for IT, BT highlighted the importance of this initiative, saying, We're investing in Karnataka's future entrepreneurs and disruptors. By providing the necessary financial support and resources, we aim to empower innovators to bring their ideas to life and contribute to the state's economic growth.

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